Our Vision
For over 130 years Holy Trinity Church has opened its doors each day for the praise of God and the service of neighbour.
We are a diverse community formed in the Catholic tradition of the Church of England who believe that ‘The world will be saved by beauty’ (The Fool, Fyodor Dostoevsky). We see this beauty in the face of Jesus Christ calling us to the Beauty of Holiness, the Beauty of Creativity and the Beauty of Worship.
The Beauty of Holiness
As The Parish Church of Upper Chelsea we seek to feed and form people of all ages to be confident disciples of Jesus Christ and equip them for the challenges of living the Gospel in the 21st century.
- Through our Junior Church, Holy Trinity CofE Primary School and in partnership with other local educational institutions we aim to encourage children and young people to embark upon a life of faith.
- Our older people’s project strives to sustain members of our community in advancing years, access their wisdom and alleviate social isolation.
- Outreach to those in need through our weekly Breakast Club and monthly collection for the Kensington and Chelsea Foodbank turns spiritual conviction into social action and we discover that the poor are our teachers.
- Our associations with major local arts venues like the Royal Court Theatre, the Cadogan Hall and the Saatchi Gallery along with big department stores like Peter Jones and Harrods help build belonging and community.
"As The Parish Church of Upper Chelsea we seek to feed and form people of all ages to be confident disciples of Jesus Christ."
The Beauty of Worship
As a Shrine and sanctuary for Sloane Square we seek to provide a sacred space open every day of the week for those who live here, work nearby or visit to stop, think, reflect or pray in the midst of a turbulent and clamorous world.
- From the sublime music of the magnificent Sung Eucharist on Sundays to the profound silence of a simple midweek celebration, the regular round of worship offers food and drink for the soul with something for every taste and temperament.
- For those seeking to shine a light in the darkness, our votive candle stands allow an intimate focus for personal prayer intentions.
- Free to enter and based on trust, our church is one of the few remaining places in the neighbourhood you can step inside without charge and go undisturbed and unwatched.
- Our Listening Service presents an opportunity for people of all faiths and none to be heard by trained volunteers and to unburden themselves of the problems they are facing.
Dostoevsy knew that it could not be an ephemeral, transient beauty that would save the world but the embodied beauty we see in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
As the Body of Christ we endeavour at Holy Trinity to live His life and through the call to the beauty of holiness, creativity and worship, seek to be something beautiful for God.
The Beauty of Creativity
As ‘The Cathedral of the Arts and Crafts’ we seek to conserve and embellish the built heritage of Holy Trinity and to champion an ethical vision for education, healthcare, work, economics, the arts and the care of the environment.
- Our annual Arts and Crafts Festival, spring lecture series and quarterly journal ‘Head, hand, heart’ pursue the passions of great Victorians like John Ruskin and William Morris and interpret them for modern times.
- Our exciting concert programme affords amateur choirs and orchestras a magnificent Central London performance venue and audiences an astonishing range of spectacular musical experiences.
- Our annual Flower Festival celebrates the gift of floral art and the creative contributions of local businesses and organisations to the life of our neighbourhood.
- New art commissions through the Denyse De Mauny Legacy and fundraising initiatives, like our new High Altar kneeler being made in British prisons with the artist Cressida Bell and the charity Fine Cell Work, enrich the fabric of our Grade-I listed church for generations to come.
"As ‘The Cathedral of the Arts and Crafts’ we seek to champion an ethical vision for education, healthcare, work, economics, the arts and the care of the environment."
"As a Shrine and sanctuary for Sloane Square we seek to provide a sacred space open every day of the week for those who live here, work nearby or visit to stop, think, reflect or pray."