
It costs about £750 a day to fund the ministry and mission of Holy Trinity Church.

We receive no income from the Government or the Church of England and we currently have no historic reserves but by adding up the regular giving of our congregation, donations from visitors and supporters and property rents we make ends meet and seek to be generous in reaching out to others.



We invite you to make a donation to support us in our life and work – and, if you are a UK or US taxpayer, to do so tax-efficiently.

If you’re a UK taxpayer, you can give your permission for Holy Trinity to claim an extra 25% of your donation through the Government’s Gift Aid scheme. Please request a Gift Aid Form by contacting our Financial Assistant at

Thank you for your support.


Planned Giving

One way in which you can signal your move from being a visitor to being a member of Holy Trinity is by joining our Planned Giving scheme.
Please speak to the Treasurer or one of the Clergy or Churchwardens who will explain how a regular monthly pledge helps us to plan our activities and to meet our commitments as a church – and they can give you the forms you need to allow us to set up the Standing Order from your bank. Alternatively, please feel free to contact us on the email above.


Once you have made provision for your loved ones, you have the opportunity to make a lasting gift to God, by leaving a legacy to His church. Leaving a gift in your Will to Holy Trinity is one of the most valuable and lasting ways you can continue to support our mission and ministry.

A gift is an expression of your gratitude and thanksgiving towards God and will help transform our future.

To learn more visit and talk to one of our clergy.