Baptism marks the start of a life-changing journey of faith as a follower of Jesus Christ. It is a joyful moment for every candidate, their families and friends and the Church.
Young children are baptized at Holy Trinity on a Sunday morning as part of the Sung Eucharist at 11.00am following a short period of preparation for their parents and godparents.
In order for your child to be baptized at Holy Trinity you will need to demonstrate that you live in the Parish of Holy Trinity and St. Saviour, or that you attend or are willing to attend worship regularly in the months prior to the baptism or that you have a close pastoral or family connection. If you do not have any of these qualifications you might like to make contact with your local parish church who can nurture your faith and welcome you to become part of its community. You can find out which is your local parish church at A Church Near You.
Older children (Year 6+) and adults are baptized at the annual service of Baptism and Confirmation following a 10-week course of study and reflection.
If you wish to baptize your child please contact our Parish Administrator AND introduce yourself to one of our priests at the Sung Eucharist on Sundays.