Welcome to the Cathedral
of the Arts and Crafts

For over 130 years Holy Trinity Sloane Square has opened its doors each day for the praise of God and the service of neighbour.

We are a diverse community, formed in the Catholic tradition of the Church of England and one of more than 400 parishes in the Diocese of London.

We believe that ‘The world will be saved by beauty’  (‘The Fool’, Fyodor Dostoevsky).

We see this beauty in the face of Jesus Christ calling us to be:

  • The Parish Church of Upper Chelsea
  • The Cathedral of the Arts and Crafts
  • A Shrine and Sanctuary for Sloane Square

As the Body of Christ we endeavour to live His life and imitate His unconditional love for the world.

By embracing the call to the beauty of holiness, creativity and worship we seek to be something beautiful for God.

“The world will be saved by beauty”


Worship lies at the heart of the life of Holy Trinity Church.

Through the daily round of prayer and praise and most especially in the celebration of the Eucharist, we recall in word and sacrament the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.


Latest News

Guest Preacher this Sunday – Rev’d Canon Graham Rainford

23 July 2024

With Fr. Yaroslav on annual leave we are delighted to welcome Fr Graham Rainford as our guest celebrant and preacher this coming Sunday the 28th of July.

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Songs and Soup on Summer Break

8 July 2024

SONGS AND SOUP, is on Summer Break but will return on Tuesday 3rd of September This informal community choir meets weekly for 45 minutes in the Parish Room. It is open to people of all ages and abilities - retired people, those with memory difficulty and their carers; people on their lunch hours are equally welcome. We sing favourite songs - Songs from the Shows, folk and pop songs, and favourite hymns and get better at singing. In one session, you might sing When I'm 64, Food glorious food, Flanders and Swan, Swing Low and We three kings! After the singing there is a free bowl of soup. There is no charge and certainly no audition!

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24 March 2024 – St Matthew Passion – 6pm

13 March 2024

The whole Holy Trinity musical community come together to perform Bach’s monumental St Matthew Passion for more details click here.

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Regular Services

We are open from 10am to 5pm for Monday to Friday, except when there is an evening service or concert in which case we will close after it finishes. Please follow the recommended Covid-19 guidelines upon entering Church regarding hygiene, face coverings and social distancing.


Sung Eucharist


Choral Evensong


Open for Prayer

10am - 5pm

Open for Prayer

10am - 5pm

Open for Prayer

10am - 5pm

Open for Prayer

10am - 5pm

Open for Prayer

10am - 5pm

Open for Prayer

10am - 5pm